How did you end up becoming a Distiller? Initially I wanted to be an Air Traffic Controller (ATC), I even applied to go to air traffic control

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Speakeasies in Sydney

Grandma’s Bar 275 Clarence Street CBD. Under the guitar sign, in the basement. The mounted moose head above the stairs is a great intro to this eclectic bar.

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Must-have Gin Gifts for 2020

We’ve rounded up some of the best books, garnishes, glasses, and, of course, our favourite gin tasting packs that are sure to make your gin lovers wish list

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Q+A with Kristy Booth-Lark – Founder of Killara Distillery

Kristy has distilling in her blood (her parents are Bill and Lyn Lark who founded the Australian spirits industry.) She founded Killara distillery in 2016 and it is

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Our take on an Easter treat for the adults…

‘The Golden Egg’ 50ml Australian Craft Gin 20ml Licor 43 15ml Chambord 20ml Lemon Juice 1 Egg White Mix all ingredients (except for the egg white) together over

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A Rose Pink Gin Sour

50ml Pink Gin 15mls elderflower liqueur Dash rose water 10mls lemon juice 10mls lime juice 15ml simple sugar syrup 1 egg white How to…. Mix ingredients in shaker.

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Mum Collins

50ml Pink Gin 30mL lemon juice 15mL sugar syrup 5mls Grenadine Soda water How to… Combine the first four ingredients in a G & T glass over ice.

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Pink Ginberry

For the Raspberry Simple Syrup 1 cup raspberries 1 cup water 1 cup sugar For the Cocktail 50ml Pink Gin, preferably a Sloe Gin Prosecco 40mls raspberry simple

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The Martini is the simplest and most elegant of cocktails, but so many things can go wrong when crafting one.  So here is my take on getting it

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  How did you end up becoming a Distiller? I stepped in to Bass & Flinders to work with my father in 2016, but prior to that I

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